Videocast: New Way to Tackle Stress in Life or Workplace

woman with stress and anxiety
Erna Wenus

Erna Wenus, L.Ac.

A unique perspective on stress – video coming soon!

12 – 12:30 pm (Pacific Time)

Erna Wenus, L.Ac. presenta a completely new way to look at stress, including PTSD, by combining the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine with evolving scientific data on brain physiology.

Emotional Literacy enables you to understand the purpose of the emotions you are experiencing and puts them into the context of your current life. Fear and anxiety often make us feel helpless and headless. If you can understand your own feelings as a reflection of what is going on in your life and what they mean, helplessness makes way for your own creative individual solutions. Emotional Literacy helps you to move through stress instead of getting stuck in a deep hole of despair, be that in your private life or in the workplace.

Erna specializes in Acupuncture, Trauma and PTSD. Her path to Traditional Chinese Medicine was through her training as an MD in Anesthesiology.

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